Quick Recap
The Faculty Council discussed the need for more diverse representation, the complexities of changing committee makeup, and the importance of mental health breaks during the fall semester. They also addressed the issue of overwork and the need for better accessibility for all members of the community, with a focus on balancing department head needs with faculty representation. The conversation ended with a discussion about the meeting time for the spring and the need for a more balanced workload.
Next steps
- Gwendolyn to send out an email detailing the current Faculty Council makeup and representation numbers.
- All members to help identify potential candidates for the Faculty Council chair-elect position.
- Sarah Genevieve to consider taking on the role of Faculty Council chair-elect.
- Gwendolyn to discuss the possibility of implementing mental health days or a fall break with the Faculty Senate.
- Faculty Council to continue discussion via email about potential topics for the next Faculty Council town hall, including faculty representation and workload issues.
Faculty Council Town Hall Discussion
Gwendolyn shares that the recent Faculty Council Town Hall went well, with a meaningful presentation by Professor Andrew Sandoval Strauss on historical context. Kris found Strauss’s presentation impactful and wants to learn more from him. Samuel shares that he adapted the resource document for students, who found it useful for accessing support resources after the election. The group discusses ways to continue providing helpful information and forums for the community in the next semester.
Diverse Representation and Committee Changes
Samuel and Gwendolyn discussed the need for more diverse representation on the Faculty Council, with a particular focus on increasing participation from departments other than theater. Gwendolyn acknowledged her tendency to overburden herself with tasks and promised to delegate more effectively in the future. They also addressed the issue of people trying to reduce their workload by attempting to change committee structures, with Gwendolyn emphasizing the need for a strong case to be made for any changes. Lastly, they touched on a constitutional error regarding the names of graduate committees, which will require further discussion and a vote.
Committee Makeup Changes and Faculty Representation
Gwendolyn discussed the complexities of changing committee makeup, emphasizing the need for thorough investigation and approval from Faculty Council and Senate. She also mentioned the importance of balancing department head needs with faculty representation. Bonj suggested starting a fresh conversation about what is practical and desired by faculty. Gwendolyn shared two contrasting pieces of advice she received on how to handle the issue, one advocating for changing the council to reflect the Constitution, and the other suggesting that those willing to serve should have a bigger voice. Gwendolyn committed to sending an email with detailed numbers and positions to facilitate further discussion.
Faculty Council Composition and Representation
Gwendolyn discussed the composition of the Faculty Council, noting that there were more non-tenure track members than expected. Samuel clarified that he, Christine, and Christian were elected through an at-large seat, not specifically as theater representatives. Gwendolyn then sought a volunteer for the chair-elect position for the next year, with Bonj suggesting Sarah Genevieve. Gwendolyn agreed to discuss this with Sarah next week. Bonj also highlighted the importance of faculty representation on the Faculty Council, especially in light of potential challenges to curricular issues.
Implementing Fall Break for Productivity
The meeting focused on the need for a break during the fall semester to improve mental health and productivity. Sarah suggested the implementation of a fall break in the middle of the semester, which had previously been discussed but not implemented. Gwendolyn shared her experience of a similar break being removed during her tenure. Christian expressed concerns about losing production time if a fall break was implemented, while Jenny suggested that resistance to the idea might come from other areas. Bonj proposed bringing the issue to the University Faculty Senate for broader discussion and potential action. The conversation ended with the consensus that the topic of a fall break should be further discussed and potentially brought up at a Faculty Council town hall.
Mental Health Days for Students
Jenny and Jeremy discussed the importance of mental health days for students, particularly during stressful periods such as the start of a semester or dealing with personal issues. They noted that mental health days were not always utilized appropriately in the past, with some students using them to catch up on work. Jeremy suggested that mental health days should be a college-wide initiative, not just in certain departments, to ensure their effectiveness and fairness. Jenny also mentioned the potential impact of breaks on student attendance and retention, suggesting that even a single day off could improve attendance and overall well-being.
Balancing Workload and Accessibility Needs
The meeting focused on the need for a more balanced workload and better accessibility for all members of the community. Sarah and Sam highlighted the issue of overwork and the lack of consideration for mental health and access needs. Gwendolyn emphasized the importance of considering people’s humanity and what is possible within the current workload. The team agreed to continue the conversation via email and to decide on the Faculty Council town hall through an email chain. Gwendolyn also offered to present the team’s thoughts on breaks at the Faculty Senate. The conversation ended with a discussion about the meeting time for the spring, with Sam confirming his participation via email.
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