In light of recent course mode changes that have occurred as a result of the faculty work adjustment process, please be certain that your undergraduate program’s academic advisors are working with resident international students in your program to ensure they have at most one remote course (if registered for the minimum of 12 credits for full-time undergraduate study) this fall semester. If your program is unable to identify sufficient in-person courses, please contact Masume Assaf ( in DISSA immediately.
Immigration regulations require that international resident undergraduate students be enrolled full time and in no more than one 3-credit course offered as remote education (if registered for only the minimum of 12 credits for full time undergraduate study). The University’s work adjustment process for faculty members who should not be on campus for health reasons has resulted in a number of courses more recently being approved for remote mode of instruction (either synchronously or asynchronously), such that a number of programs now have multiple undergraduate courses that have been approved for remote delivery.
There is a significant likelihood that some international students enrolled in undergraduate programs may have more than one remote course offering this semester may, through no fault of their own, be enrolled in more than one remote course (3 credits). Because the waivers for meeting this regulation that were in place last year have expired, programs need to identify international students enrolled in more than one remote course (3 credits) and adjust their schedule so that they are enrolled in no more than one such course.
[Important Note – Because fulltime enrollment for undergraduate students is defined as 12 credits, if an undergraduate student is enrolled in 15 or more credits, they may be enrolled in two remote courses.]
Please contact Yvonne Gaudelius if you have any questions.