A&A Intranet

Resources for Faculty & Staff


IT Updates

Reminder: Adobe CC Licenses to be Suspended Dec. 17, 2023

Authorized Penn State email sent December 11, 2023, on behalf of Software at Penn State regarding upcoming Adobe CC license suspension and re-licensing steps. Dear Penn State Adobe Creative Cloud license holder, To maintain compliance with Penn State's contract...

Important: Adobe CC Access Changes + Microsoft Teams Phone Transition

Timely updates for all employees regarding upcoming Adobe CC re-licensing and the transition to MS Teams for phone calling. Late-December '23: Adobe Creative Cloud Access to Change Access to Adobe Creative Cloud will change in late December to provide no-cost software...

Active Security Threat: Wallpaper/Screensaver Downloads

Wallpaper/Screensaver downloads have led to Penn State device compromises. The Office of Information Security has detected several users whose computers were compromised when they downloaded wallpapers/screensavers from the internet. The users were logged in as...

Remove/Update Box Hyperlinks ASAP :: 04 March 2022

Hyperlinks to Box files will no longer work after Spring Break. The Box migration project team will be using a variety of communication channels over the next six weeks to encourage faculty to update course file links to OneDrive, SharePoint, or other. This applies to...

International Travel with Mobile Devices :: Updated 03/10/22

As travel abroad resumes, and with concurrent heightened geopolitical tensions, please be mindful that the University has guidelines pertaining to taking University-owned mobile devices on international trips. Employees traveling internationally should plan for IT to...

Penn State Login Changes – Effective 07 July 2021

Beginning July 7, Penn State Account holders will log in to secure University online applications such as Canvas, LionPATH, and Workday through a new Penn State sign-in screen. Please note: the Penn State Sign-In page now requires entering the username followed by...

Penn State Identity Management Process Updates

Penn State is updating its identity data management process to give students, faculty, and staff more identity options and make it easier for those affiliated with the University to manage their personal information in one,...

Action Required: Replace AnyConnect VPN (before 19 June)

Action Required: Replace Cisco AnyConnect VPN before 19 June Penn State IT will decommission the Cisco AnyConnect VPN as of June 19, 2021; all University users must transition to the new GlobalProtect VPN as soon as possible in order to connect to secured University...

ALERT: Box Migration

[UPDATED: 29 Apr 2021] ALERT: Box Migration Update The Box to OneDrive migration for the College of Arts and Architecture will begin on MAY 3, not May 10, as previously communicated. PLEASE READ ENTIRE TEXT BELOW FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION. If you have fewer than...

Box Migration & Retirement

[02 Dec 2020 – Source: storage.psu.edu] Box Migration and Retirement Migration of the University’s Box data began in October 2020, and Box cloud storage will be retired at Penn State in September 2021. Student, faculty, and staff files will be migrated to Microsoft...

Guidance + Resource Updates

Golumbic and Valley Nominations 2024–25

Nomination Deadline: Friday, 06 December 2024 Ruben and Gladys Golumbic Scholarship Award The Valley Family Scholarship Please review the 2025 Call for Nominations document linked below. If you are ready to nominate, please complete the online nomination form.

A&A Awards Nominations 2024–25

Nominations for the A&A 2024–25 awards are due to the Dean’s Office by Jan 31.For details regarding these awards, see the links below. Once you have prepared materials for a nomination, please use the Nomination Form linked above.   College Awards Guidelines Call...

Reminder: Adobe CC Licenses to be Suspended Dec. 17, 2023

Authorized Penn State email sent December 11, 2023, on behalf of Software at Penn State regarding upcoming Adobe CC license suspension and re-licensing steps. Dear Penn State Adobe Creative Cloud license holder, To maintain compliance with Penn State's contract...

Important: Adobe CC Access Changes + Microsoft Teams Phone Transition

Timely updates for all employees regarding upcoming Adobe CC re-licensing and the transition to MS Teams for phone calling. Late-December '23: Adobe Creative Cloud Access to Change Access to Adobe Creative Cloud will change in late December to provide no-cost software...

Webinar: Grant-Seeker’s Guide to Training and Fellowships​

Thursday, December 21 at 12–12:45 p.m. ET | Register Now >> Presenters: Clinton Doggett—Senior Grants Advisor, Hanover Research Mallory Waters—Grants Advisor, Hanover Research For many grant-seekers in the early stages of their research careers, myriad...

Search, Recruiting + Hiring Resources

General Hiring Resources Search and Appointment Guidelines for Tenure-Track Faculty,...

2023 Grants Webinar Schedule

2023 Grants Webinar Schedule Hanover is pleased to announce our schedule of webinars for 2023. You can register for upcoming sessions through their website.

CompMod Questions & Answers :: FA23

The A&A Staff Advisory Council invited HR Strategic Partner Jerry Henry to its August session to answer questions submitted by staff regarding the University's Compensation Modernization Initiative. Approximately 50 staff members attended the session either in...

A&A New Faculty Handbook :: FA23

Handbook (Interactive PDF) Handbook (Printable PDF) Version date: August 2023 Point of Contact: Associate Dean for Research, Creative Activity and Grad Studies Mallika Bose (mub13@psu.edu)

Upcoming Changes to National Science Foundation’s Research Integrity Training Requirements

Beginning July 31, NSF is making changes to the training requirements for grantees. This requirement is NOT retroactive; however, we want to make sure all present grant recipients are aware of the change for future submissions. What is changing? Moving forward, all...


Information, guidelines, and forms for Arts and Architecture faculty.



Professional development, guidelines, and resources for Arts and Architecture staff.


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University Park, PA 16802

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