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Faculty Information


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For Faculty: Key Guidance + Resource Updates

Golumbic and Valley Nominations 2024–25

Nomination Deadline: Friday, 06 December 2024 Ruben and Gladys Golumbic Scholarship Award The Valley Family Scholarship Please review the 2025 Call for Nominations document linked below. If you are ready to nominate, please complete the online nomination form.

A&A Awards Nominations 2024–25

Nominations for the A&A 2024–25 awards are due to the Dean’s Office by Jan 31.For details regarding these awards, see the links below. Once you have prepared materials for a nomination, please use the Nomination Form linked above.   College Awards Guidelines Call...

Reminder: Adobe CC Licenses to be Suspended Dec. 17, 2023

Authorized Penn State email sent December 11, 2023, on behalf of Software at Penn State regarding upcoming Adobe CC license suspension and re-licensing steps. Dear Penn State Adobe Creative Cloud license holder, To maintain compliance with Penn State's contract...

Important: Adobe CC Access Changes + Microsoft Teams Phone Transition

Timely updates for all employees regarding upcoming Adobe CC re-licensing and the transition to MS Teams for phone calling. Late-December '23: Adobe Creative Cloud Access to Change Access to Adobe Creative Cloud will change in late December to provide no-cost software...

Search, Recruiting + Hiring Resources

General Hiring Resources Search and Appointment Guidelines for Tenure-Track Faculty,...

A&A New Faculty Handbook :: FA23

Handbook (Interactive PDF) Handbook (Printable PDF) Version date: August 2023 Point of Contact: Associate Dean for Research, Creative Activity and Grad Studies Mallika Bose (mub13@psu.edu)

Upcoming Changes to National Science Foundation’s Research Integrity Training Requirements

Beginning July 31, NSF is making changes to the training requirements for grantees. This requirement is NOT retroactive; however, we want to make sure all present grant recipients are aware of the change for future submissions. What is changing? Moving forward, all...

Message from the Dean: Budget Allocation

Message from the Dean Budget Allocation (Posted 26 Jan 2023) The January 24 edition of Penn State Today features an article on the new budget allocation model, including a context and rationale for the model, as well as the amounts of the new strategic funds...

Access + Equity Resources for Candidate Searches

Required language plus key resources for job postings and candidate searches. Materials to assist with A&A searches and to be referenced by department heads/ directors and search committees include: Revised text to be included in job postings Search committee...

A&A Faculty Research Grants :: FA22 Request for Proposals

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 12 October 2022 (Proposal submitted to the unit head in final form in InfoReady) This annual program, administered each fall, provides internal support for the research, scholarship, and creative activity of faculty in the College of...


Ombudsperson: Clarification of misunderstandings; advising faculty and administrators as to appropriate courses of action; assisting in the informal resolution of differences; assuring that appropriate department college and/or campus procedures are exhausted before referring the case to higher levels. (FC)

Ombudsman: Ted Christopher
(term is 2024–25 and 2025–26)

Alternate: Eric Roman
(term is 2024–25 and 2025–26)

College Exit Interviewer: (term is 2024–25 and 2025–26)
Ombudsman: Ted Christopher
Alternate: Eric Roman

Need to Update your Faculty Page on arts.psu.edu?

Please utilize this faculty profile page update template (.docx 182kb) to provide updates to your faculty page on the arts.psu.edu website. Instructions for uploading images and supporting files, as well as contact person for completed forms are included in the template.

New Faculty Resources

New Faculty Handbook

New Faculty Orientation Handbook (2024-25)
(Updated 26 August 2024)

Search, Recruiting + Hiring Resources

Search and Hiring Resources

Search committees are encouraged to visit the Search, Recruiting + Hiring Resources page for a series of collected resources, policies, best practices and more.




NEW: Resources for faculty research and creative activity, including internal and external funding opportunities are available on the Research + Creative Activity Office intranet dashboard.

Our Location

124 Borland Building
University Park, PA 16802

Newsline Archive

View our email campaign archive here!


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